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Physical Education


At Trinity Christian School, our Physical Education program focuses teaching our students essential lifelong fitness skills which provide a foundation for a healthy lifestyle now and into adulthood. 


For many students, our PE program is their first experience learning about the correlation between nutrition, exercise, and overall physical health. Throughout the school year, we focus on improving cardio, strength, and overall flexibility, all of which are covered in the Presidential Fitness Program. All students are assessed three times per year, once at the beginning of the year, again at mid-year, and finally at the end of the final semester when they complete the Presidential Fitness Test. This test focuses on the following 5 standards:

Pam Graves, PE Teacher

Push-ups - upper body strength

Sit-ups - core strength

V-sit and reach - flexibility

Shuttle run sprint - cardio/strength

1/4 - 1 mile run/walk - cardio/endurance


These skills are actively worked on throughout the year, during which the children are encouraged to do their best. Our students are excited to move their bodies and watch their fitness level progress through the school year. In our PE program, we always promote an “I can” attitude, meaning “I can work hard to achieve my goals!” It is an honor to work with each of our students to see them discover how strong, healthy, and happy they can become!  

Welcome to Gym!

Hello, my name is Mrs. Graves, I am the PE teacher at TCS and have been here for almost 20 years! Through this year, your child will learn how to take care of their body, both as it is now, and as they grow, as well as learning the major muscle groups in their bodies. We have PE 2 days a week. The first day is focused on movement and working, this means we will be moving our bodies to make them healthy and strong! The second day, if we complete the activities from day one, will be a game day, aimed at getting the body moving in a fun way together as a class! About me: I enjoy hiking, exercising, teaching fitness classes at my personal studio, biking, and being with my family. I love helping people set and reach their fitness goals and learn just how amazingly God designed our bodies. I also live on and run a small homestead here in Keene where we raise; pigs, goats, cows, and chickens. I look forward to working with your child in this upcoming school year! 


Trinity Christian School offers volunteer-led sports throughout the year for grades 4-8. Our Soccer, Basketball, and Volleyball teams play other teams from local schools, as well as teams from the Keene Recreation Department. Other sports Trinity offers as volunteers are able would be Wrestling, Ski Club, Running Club, and more! Reach out to the school office every season to see our updated sports offered. 


Homeschooling families are welcome to join our teams! Please reach out to for more information.


Is your child invested in sports programs in your local school district? According to New Hampshire state law, New Hampshire residents attending a private, charter, or homeschool are able to participate in sports at their local public school. See New Hampshire Revised Statutes § 193:1-c



  Name Title
Pam Graves Graves, Pam Physical Education Teacher